Behavioral Health Equity: Responding to the Needs of our Nation’s Veterans
Even though Veterans Day has passed, I would like to ask did you spend time with words of encouragement, did you provide a hug, visit VA hospital and or volunteer. These are gestures one should do throughout the years and not just Veterans Day.
Everyday, my local spiritual father, sends me words of encouragement and I send them right back. These word bless me just as much as it blesses him.
Below is a blog shared by By: Stacey Owens, M.S.W., LCSW-C, Military and Veterans Affairs Liaison, Center for Mental Health Services
On Veterans Day, we take time to honor former service members for their willingness to make sacrifices for our nation. Support for all our nation’s Veterans is a prominent component of the wide-ranging services provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). An emphasis on Veteran behavioral health (mental health and substance use disorder) care is rooted in the agency’s recognition of the unique needs of this population and the collective national commitment to support those who served. If you ask a group of Veterans why they chose to serve, you will hear various responses. Veterans may describe a role model who served in the military, a family legacy of service, feelings of patriotism, a sense of duty to protect others, as well as unique opportunities that military service affords. Those opportunities might include pursuing new experiences, traveling to new places, gaining job skills for the future, and financial security. In fact, the military is among our nation’s most diverse employers.
Even though Veterans Day has passed, I would like to ask did you spend time with words of encouragement, did you provide a hug, visit VA hospital and or volunteer. These are gestures one should do throughout the years and not just Veterans Day.
Everyday, my local spiritual father, sends me words of encouragement and I send them right back. These word bless me just as much as it blesses him.
Below is a blog shared by By: Stacey Owens, M.S.W., LCSW-C, Military and Veterans Affairs Liaison, Center for Mental Health Services
On Veterans Day, we take time to honor former service members for their willingness to make sacrifices for our nation. Support for all our nation’s Veterans is a prominent component of the wide-ranging services provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). An emphasis on Veteran behavioral health (mental health and substance use disorder) care is rooted in the agency’s recognition of the unique needs of this population and the collective national commitment to support those who served. If you ask a group of Veterans why they chose to serve, you will hear various responses. Veterans may describe a role model who served in the military, a family legacy of service, feelings of patriotism, a sense of duty to protect others, as well as unique opportunities that military service affords. Those opportunities might include pursuing new experiences, traveling to new places, gaining job skills for the future, and financial security. In fact, the military is among our nation’s most diverse employers.